Technical Round – 1
- Question 1: Find the start and end index of maximum subaray in a given array. (Modification version of Kadane’s algorithm)
- Question 2: Given a stream of elements find the kth maximum at every postion, the array length is infinite since it is stream. ( Similar to this problem but we need to find at each position. (Hint: Min Heap)
Interview went pretty well solved both question, Interviewer also helped with some hints.
Technical Round – 2
I was expecting a coding round, but it’s completly different.
- A coding question was asked, but interviewer told just tell me the approach no need of solution.
- Started with Interface and Abstraction.
- Asked indepth about design patterns in java.
- Told to implement Singleton and Factory method.
- Questions about observor pattern.
- DBMS advanced level questions.
- Given a table of data and told to achieve 1NF, 2NF, 3NF & 3.5NF with explanation.
- Given a problem statement and told design a databsed with table, column type and reference keys.
Hiring Manager Round – 1
- He asked what I did in my current company what was my role.
- Told to explain some concepts based on my answer.
- Asked some questions form my resume.
- Advanced Java and Database Questions.
This round didn’t went quite well, and the manager was not satisfacted with my answer. So the HR arranged another hiring manager since I did well in past 2 technical rounds.
Hiring Manager Round – 2
- The manager was pretty impressed by resume.
- He started with basic questions from OOPS.
- Then he jumped to advacned concepts like immutability
- Memory Management.
- Threads & Concuurency.
- Queues & Zookeper
- Sql n NoSql