India’s IT Sector Set for Growth: New Jobs for Freshers!

Companies in India are planning to hire about 50,000 freshers

According to a recent survey, India’s IT sector is looking very optimistic for hiring new people. Major IT companies in India are planning to hire about 50,000 freshers for different kinds of jobs in both IT and non-IT fields. This hiring spree is going to happen between July and December 2023.

 Why the IT Sector is Growing

The IT industry in India is growing rapidly because many companies are adopting new digital technologies. They want to use things like Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cybersecurity, and other cool stuff to make their businesses better. All these new technologies are creating lots of job opportunities for young people in India.

What the Survey Says

A special team asked 737 companies in India about their hiring plans. These companies are from 18 different industries, including big and small ones. The team found out that 73% of these companies want to hire new people between July and December 2023. For young people who are just starting their careers, 65% of companies are looking to hire them. This is 3% more than the number of companies that were hiring in the first half of the year (from January to June).

 Which Industries are Hiring

Three types of industries are really excited to hire new young talent. The first one is E-commerce and Technology Start-ups. They want to hire 59% more freshers. The second is the Telecommunication industry, which wants to hire 53% more young people. Lastly, the Engineering & Infrastructure industry is also looking to hire 50% more freshers.

Exciting Job Roles for Freshers

If you are a young person looking for a job, there are some really cool roles you can expect to find. You can be a DevOps Engineer, a Chartered Accountant, an SEO Analyst, or a UX Designer. These jobs are exciting and offer great opportunities for your future.

Skills Employers Want

To get these jobs, you need to learn some important skills. Employers are looking for people who know about Business Analytics, Blockchain, Cloud Computing, data encryption, supply chain management, machine learning, data analysis, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). If you have these skills, companies will be really happy to hire you!


So, if you are a young person in India, this is a great time to start your career in the IT sector. Lots of companies are hiring freshers, and they are looking for talented people with new skills. So, go ahead and grab these exciting opportunities!

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