placement material for 2024 Core subjects

Computer Subjects:

week-1(3days or 6days):

Day 1: Introduction to Operating Systems

Morning – Fundamentals:

  1. What is an Operating System? Understand the basic purpose and functions of an OS.
  2. Types of Operating Systems: Learn about various OS types like Windows, macOS, Linux, and mobile OSs.
  3. Kernel: Explore the kernel’s role in managing hardware resources.
  4. User Interfaces: Understand different types of user interfaces, including command-line and graphical interfaces.

Afternoon – Process and Memory Management: 5. Processes: Learn about processes, their creation, and management by the OS.

  1. Threads: Understand threads and their use for concurrent programming.
  2. Memory Management: Explore how OS manages physical and virtual memory.
  3. File Systems: Learn about file systems and their organization of data.

Day 2: OS Components and Scheduling

Morning – File Systems and I/O: 9. File Operations: Study file operations like reading, writing, and file permissions.

  1. Input/Output (I/O): Understand how the OS handles input and output devices.
  2. Disk Management: Learn about disk management and storage technologies.

Afternoon – Process Scheduling and Security:

12. CPU Scheduling: Explore process scheduling algorithms like FCFS, Round Robin, and Priority Scheduling.

  1. Multitasking and Multiprocessing: Understand how OS handles multiple processes and CPUs.
  2. Security and Permissions: Learn about user authentication, authorization, and security mechanisms.

Day 3: Networking and Advanced Topics

Morning – Networking and Device Management:

15. Networking: Get an overview of networking in OS, including protocols and networking stack.

  1. Device Management: Learn how OS manages hardware devices, drivers, and interrupts.




Day 1: Introduction and ER & Relational Models

Morning – Introduction to DBMS:

  1. What is a Database Management System (DBMS)? Understand the importance and role of DBMS.
  2. Types of DBMS: Learn about different types of DBMS, with a focus on relational databases.
  3. Key Concepts: Get familiar with key terms like tables, records, fields, and primary keys.

Afternoon – Entity-Relationship (ER) Model:

4. ER Model Basics: Learn about entities, attributes, relationships, and cardinality in the ER model.

  1. ER Diagrams: Practice creating simple ER diagrams for real-world scenarios.
  2. Relational Model: Understand how the ER model is mapped to the relational model with tables and keys.

Day 2: Database Design and File Structures

Morning – Database Design (Normal Forms):

7. Normalization: Study the concepts of database normalization, from 1NF to 3NF.

  1. Normalization Examples: Work through examples to normalize a set of data.
  2. Denormalization: Understand when and why denormalization may be necessary.

Afternoon – File Structures and Indexing:

10. File Structures: Learn about file organization methods, including sequential, indexed, and hashed.

  1. Indexing: Explore indexing techniques like B-trees and hash indexes for efficient data retrieval.

Day 3: Transactions and Concurrency Control

Morning – Transactions:

12. Introduction to Transactions: Understand the concept of a database transaction.

  1. ACID Properties: Learn about the ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) that transactions should maintain.
  2. Transaction Management: Study how transactions are managed in a DBMS.

Afternoon – Concurrency Control:

15. Concurrency Issues: Understand problems like data inconsistency and race conditions in multi-user environments.

  1. Concurrency Control Methods: Explore concurrency control techniques like locking, timestamp-based protocols, and two-phase locking.

Review and Further Learning:

17. Review: Go over what you’ve learned during these three days and practice with sample problems.


week-2(3days or 1week):

Day 1: SQL Fundamentals

Morning – SQL Basics:

  1. Introduction to SQL: Understand what SQL is and why it’s important in databases.
  2. Setting Up: Install a database system like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite.
  3. Basic Queries: Learn to write simple SQL SELECT statements to retrieve data from a database.
  4. Filtering Data: Use the WHERE clause to filter results based on specific conditions.
  5. Sorting Data: Employ the ORDER BY clause to sort data in various ways.
  6. Aggregating Data: Use functions like COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, and MAX to perform basic calculations on data.

Afternoon – Database Design:

7. Tables and Schemas: Understand how to create tables and organize them into schemas.

  1. Data Types: Learn about common data types like INT, VARCHAR, DATE, and BOOLEAN.
  2. Primary Keys: Define primary keys to uniquely identify rows in a table.
  3. Foreign Keys: Understand foreign keys for establishing relationships between tables.


Day 2: Advanced SQL

Morning – Joins and Relationships:

11. INNER JOIN: Learn how to join data from multiple tables using INNER JOIN.

  1. LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN: Understand these types of outer joins to retrieve data with or without matches.
  2. Subqueries: Use subqueries to nest one query within another for more complex data retrieval.
  3. Self-Joins: Discover how to join a table with itself for recursive or hierarchical data.
  4. Relationships: Understand different types of relationships like one-to-many and many-to-many.

Afternoon – Data Modification and Transactions:

16. INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE: Learn to insert, update, and delete data in tables.

  1. Transactions: Understand the concept of transactions and how to use COMMIT and ROLLBACK


Day 3: SQL Best Practices and Beyond

Morning – Optimization and Best Practices:

18. Indexing: Learn about indexing to improve query performance.

  1. Normalization: Understand the basics of database normalization for efficient data storage.
  2. Constraints: Implement constraints like UNIQUE and CHECK for data integrity.
  3. Views: Create and use views to simplify complex queries.

Afternoon – Beyond Basics:

22. Stored Procedures: Learn about stored procedures for encapsulating SQL code.

  1. Triggers: Understand triggers and their uses in database automation.
  2. Security: Explore database security best practices, including user roles and permissions.
  3. Backups and Recovery: Get a brief overview of database backup and recovery.



Placement material for 2024 Core subjects


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