Application process: Off-Campus Placement
OA Round:
- There were 3 coding questions and out of which i solved all 3.
- The first question was pattern printing based and others were based on hashing and DP.
- Tips:- practice leetcode or gfg is more than enough.
- I used python for OA
- After OA there was GD scheduled where the topic was given from any technology or IT sector(e,g, cashless india, etc.).
Final Interview round(TR+HR)
- After all the OA and GD and lot of patience i was shorlisted for interview on 3rd april.
- The interview started with introduction and skills that i know.
- As i mentioned flutter and ML in my intro and projects so the questions were asked from ML.
- Core subject of CS like sql, os, dbms questions were also asked.(prepare them well)
- Coding question asked was related to DP on string and another was based on implementation of hashing(medium of leetcode) (asked to code in ide both questions).
- Questions on linked list were also there, followed by some theory of dsa.
- Questions on python were also asked.