KPIT Technologies Test Structure

KPIT Technologies Test Structure:
Day 1: Section A
Engineering Mathematics
Professional skills and
Knowledge of English Language
Basics of C Language
Algorithmic thinking
Day 1: Section B
Domain specific questions (Attempt any one section from the following as per your expertise)
Circuit Branches
Computer/ IT Engineering
Electrical Engineering

Day 2: Coding round and domain specific questions
Track 1:Programming in C and
Embedded C
Track 2: Programming in C++
Track 3: MATLAB, Simulink and C Programming
Day 3: Behavioral Assessment

KPIT Technologies Syllabus Pattern:

KPIT Syllabus Day 1: Section A
What should you expect in this section?This is common for all the participants
Engineering Mathematics
Professional Skills and Knowledge of English Language
Basics of C Language
Algorithmic Thinking

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