Google Free Courses and Certifications

Intro to Programming:


  1. Arithmetic and Variables
  2. Functions
  3. Data Types
  4. Conditions and Conditional Statements
  5. Intro to Lists

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  1.   Hello Python
  2.   Functions and Getting Help
  3.    Booleans and Conditionals
  4.     Lists
  5.     Loops and List Comprehensions
  6.     Strings and Dictionaries
  7.     Working with External Laboratories

Apply Link: Click Here

Intro to Machine Learning


  1.   How model works
  2.    Data Basic Exploration
  3.     Your first Machine Learning Model
  4.     Model Validation
  5.     Underfitting and Overfitting
  6.      Random Forests
  7.      Machine Learning Competitions

Apply Link: Click Here

Intermediate Machine Learning


  1.  Introduction
  2.   Missing Values
  3.    Categorical Value
  4.    Pipelines
  5.    Cross – Validation
  6.    XGBoost
  7.    Data Leakage

Apply Link: Click Here

Intro to Deep Learning


  1.    A single Neuron
  2. Deep Neutral Networks
  3. Stochastic Gradient Descent
  4. Overfitting ang Underfitting
  5. Dropout and Batch Normalization
  6. Binary Classification

Apply Link: Click Here

Computer Vision


  1. The Convolutional Classifier
  2. Convolution and ReLU
  3. Maximum Pooling
  4. The Sliding Window
  5. Custom Convnets
  6. Data Agmentation

Apply Link: Click Here

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